Why is my water bill so high?

water bill so high: A women seeing her water bill and is surprised

Nobody likes it when you see water bills so high and wonder what is wrong. Water bills are annoying and bring you stress when they are high. Understanding the potential causes will help you lower your bill immediately and prevent future problems. At Near Plumbers, we’ve compiled a list of common reasons for high water bills and tips to address them.

How Small Leaks Can Lead water bill so high

Behind high water bills are mostly leaky faucets or leaky toilets. They can lose a significant amount of water if they have even a tiny drip. For example, a faucet leaking at one drip per second might waste approximately 3,000 gallons of water annually. Toilets with quiet leaks might cost much more. Book a plumber for regular maintenance and inspection to save water and money.

Stop the Runaway Water Costs!

When you flush your toilet, which continues to run, you waste a lot of water and quickly increase your cost. This is the result of a malfunctioning flapper valve or a misplaced float. Near Plumber has provided you with a DIY approach to running toilets, but if you cannot do it on your own, call a plumber.

Overwatering Your Lawn

Using more water than needed to keep your grass green might result in soaring water costs. To avoid this, rinse your grass early or late evening to minimise evaporation. Consider choosing drought-tolerant plants and placing a rain sensor on your irrigation system to save water.

Upgrade to Save

The old washing machine and dishwater use more water than the new ones. Upgrading to new appliances can significantly reduce water consumption and lower your bills. It sounds like an expensive decision, but as soon as you get the latest appliances, you will understand that they are better than the high water bill that you receive every month.

Faulty Water Meter

A defective water meter can sometimes produce erroneous readings, increasing rates. If you’ve ruled out all other possible causes and still have excessive rates, call your water utility company to have the meter checked for accuracy.


Understanding the causes of a high water bill might help you take action to minimise your water consumption and save money. Regular maintenance, efficient appliances, and careful usage are essential for keeping your water expenses in check. If you still need to figure out why your water bill is so high, call Near Plumbers. Our skilled plumbers can evaluate your plumbing system, detect problems, and provide remedies to help you save water and reduce expenses.

Need help with your high water bill? Contact Near Plumbers today for a professional inspection and solutions to all your plumbing needs.


What is the best way to maintain my plumbing system?

Regular maintenance is essential for a healthy plumbing system. This involves checking for leaks, cleaning drains, evaluating your water heater, and being cautious about what goes down your drains. Annual plumbing inspections can help identify concerns before they become severe problems. You can call Near Plumbers to ask for an inspection of your plumbing system and more.

Why is my boiler making strange noises?

Boilers may make several noises, each suggesting a distinct potential problem. A whistling noise, also known as kettling, is generally caused by limescale development on the heat exchanger, which causes the water to overheat and steam.

What should I do if my toilet keeps running?

A running toilet usually means some part of the internal mechanism is malfunctioning. Common causes include a malfunctioning flapper valve, an uneven float, or a leaking fill valve. Simple changes or replacements can quickly resolve these concerns, ensuring your toilet runs effectively and saves water.

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